29 things I learned in 2012
2 min readDec 21, 2015
- How to jump-start a car.
- “Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because the world needs more people who have come alive.”
- Visit friends abroad. It will bring a smile to both of your faces.
- Time to think is important.
- Lie-ins are an equal source of guilt and pleasure.
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I love you, London.
- You’re never too young to advise and teach. Give back whenever possible.
- Don’t live alone unless you have amazing people very close by.
- Finance is essential. Learn every type you can.
- There is definitely a correlation between how well I know extended family members and how cute their kids are.
- If you want to be happy, just be happy.
- Finding the right person to work with improves your progress (and theirs) exponentially.
- Networking is a prelude to friendship.
- Stay in touch.
- People who make you laugh uncontrollably are worth their weight in gold.
- Know your strengths and weaknesses. Really, really know them.
- Google is actually the basis for my international friendships (chat, hangouts, YouTube). Thank you, Google.
- Rejection is really not that bad.
- Personal PR is like marmite. Some people like to hear what you’re doing, and Mark Suster does not
- Doing things daily is unexpectedly effective.
- “Fear not small steps. Fear only stillness.”
- I am lucky to know as many interesting people as I do.
- If you can take a non-veggie there, you know you’ve found a good vegetarian restaurant.
- Make time for music.
- Nobody’s perfect. Decide what redeeming qualities are important to you and accept flaws.
- Stay in touch.
- Just being in certain locations is inspirational. Seek out the ones that are meaningful to you.
- Tech is big. It’s just not everything.
- Nothing beats a home-cooked meal.
Originally published at ushmanef.tumblr.com.