I have just finished reading my great uncle’s autobiography. His story spans over seven decades, three continents and tells the story of four generations of my family. It made for an incredible read, and I was struck by the things he remembered most clearly and fondly. A particularly tasty dish. The smiles of his grandchildren. Conversations with his parents. Help from a stranger.
Reading from a different perspective reminded me that life is (for most) longer than the timescales we think of in our twenties. Sam Walton and Robin Chase began Wal Mart and Zipcar, respectively, in their forties. Peoples’ interests and passions develop over time. Follow yours, at every stage of your life. Work hard. Let success come in its own time. Expect opportunities disguised as setbacks. But recognise that it is often the small, unplanned moments that make for the best memories.
Note: this article was written in April 2012 during a year long placement with the New Entrepreneurs Foundation. Originally published at